Men and women differ in so many ways beyond those that are plainly obvious. See what Alana says about driving.


  • Suppose the men eliminate their risky driving behavior. How does men and women measure with driving?

  • Driving… common misunderstanding perpetuated by females. Boys insurance is higher because the reality of it, even today, males have to take responsibility for our female counterparts. When you go to prom, it’s the guy who drives, when you go on a date, it’s the guy who drives, when you meet the ladies at a club and they are drunk/buzzed/sober, it’s the guy who drives. Wether it is right or wrong we are still a society where males are responsible and females are sitting back and reaping the rewards of being the cared for not caring sex. If men are driving 95% of the time of course we are going to have more accidents. Time to head back to math class.

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