Darlene Goncz Zangara, ABD, LPC, is currently the CSD Senior Vice President for National Centers of Excellence (Human Services). She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Deaf Education, with a minor in Art Education from Bowling Green State University and her Master of Arts in Counseling for the Deaf from Gallaudet University. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the Antioch University, PhD in Leadership and Change.

Zangara is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Ohio. She has extensive experience in Leadership, System Advocacy, Human Services, Mental Health, Drug & Alcohol Services, Prevention, Resiliency Enhancement, Mental Health Interpreting, Non Profit Organization Management, Change Initiatives, Board Development, Program Development, Training, and Consultation. Aside from her work, she provides workshops and presentations nationally and internationally. Prior to her doctoral studies, she served and volunteered on many advisory committees.

Zangara served on the NAD Fulton III, Finance and Development Committees from 2003-2006 and served as Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Mediator. She also served as the National President of Deaf Women United (DWU) from 2001 to 2005. She was born and raised in Ohio to a deaf family, and currently resides in Brandon, South Dakota with her husband, Mark, and two teenage sons.


  • July 9, 2010

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I have known Darlene Zangara for many years. She is knowledgeable in the area of Mental Health Counseling and, believe me, she is driven and gets the work done in timely fashion. She may be tough but she is a good listener and a dedicated worker. I believe she will make a difference in the Deaf Community.

    Irene Tunanidas, M.Ed., M.S.
    Poland, Ohio
    Gallaudet U. Graduate
    Class of 1970

  • How thrilling for many of us (Deaf and interpreters) in Michigan to support both Howard Rosenblum and Darlene Goncz Zangara in their candidacies for the position of NAD CEO!

    Both of these professionals have presented for us (MIRID VI and Kirtland CC)at biannual workshops /retreats and proved themselves to be excellent role models with a heart for bridging the two worlds of hearing and Deaf.

    Too bad they can’t share the position… great use of their talents, visions and dedication to get NAD back to the top Deaf/HOH representative organization in the world!

    Signingly yours,
    Brenda Dawe, NAD IV, ASL instructor at Kirtland CC and spouse of Deaf (Walter Dawe: 1952 grad of Mich. School for Deaf

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