Howard A. Rosenblum has been a Senior Attorney for the last eight years at Equip for Equality, a nonprofit organization designated as Illinois’ Protection and Advocacy entity, after nearly ten years as an associate attorney with Monahan & Cohen.
Rosenblum focuses his legal practice in the areas of disability rights, mental health issues, and special education. He has been involved in major litigation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability rights laws. He has provided numerous workshops on the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and other laws impacting the rights of people with disabilities.
Rosenblum co-founded and serves as Chairperson of the Midwest Center on Law and the Deaf (MCLD), dedicated to ensuring equal access to the legal system for deaf and hard-of-hearing people. He is also the Public Policy Chair for the National Association of the Deaf (NAD), and has served in this role since 2006. In addition, he served on the NAD’s Fulton III Committee as the Advocacy Cluster Chair from 2004-2006.
Rosenblum received his law degree from IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law (1992), and his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Arizona (1988). He has lived in Chicago, Illinois since graduating from college in 1988.
Hello Howard, wish you good luck to be coordiator for NAD, I contributed my support to you. Take care, William
I hardly wait for him to take over the director’s helm which will begin on the first day of april.
I need to have his suggestion and see if he can give us suggestion to get the fund or grant to keep our organization running. Our organization aims to give the early deaf or hard of hearing children the same opportinuty as the early hearing children such as having the ASL on DVD or TV broadcast.