Karen Putz became Deaf from a fall during her favorite sport, barefoot waterskiing. Instead of allowing this new life stop her, she decided to turn it into something she is passionate about. By using her Deafness to achieve her dreams of writing and motivational speaking, Putz celebrates her new life path and encourage others to do the same. (captioned)


  • Karen Putz is awesome!!! -“Wake up overnight” Thank you for your sharing story, it is amazing.

  • It would be nice if Karen Putz’s website is posted in the description so that more people can discover this amazing woman.

  • Karen inspires so many people!! Finding your passion and sticking to it can truly make you happy and Karen is a perfect example. Watch out for those alligators : )

  • Karen’s a ROCK STAR person! She is ALWAYS into something great! I’m honored to be able to call her friend. Thanks Karen. 🙂

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