Backed by plenty of research including the prestigious work of Gallaudet University, LEAD-K wants to put the word out about language equality for Deaf children. The educational system for the Deaf puts plenty of focus on spoken English but is lacking in developing a strong foundation for Deaf children’s survival through ASL. LEAD-K is working to change that. There is still too much misinformation out there, especially for hearing parents with Deaf kids, so LEAD-K is there to help support and educate. Support ASL and English for a strong happy child. (captioned)
Language Equality & Acquisition for Deaf Kids! (LEAD-K)
Important for enter Asl equal English language . I am deaf and my grandson is not successful acces to public school. My daughter want him learn English language public school. I am strong asl language. She don’t want my language . He fail five time “k” grade and first. Grade late his age. He is deaf
I love how you share about lead k of getting two languages equality in the children life . My experince was behind and it amazing these two ladies have courage to get this words out community for both language be taught same time not one to other . When I was growing up I had to learn speak English and late learn ASL , it hurt me to be able to indenfied for who I am as deaf person while having cochlear implant, my family never ever learned deaf culture or learn sign language just basic home signs and that pretty much impact my late learning ASL . I learned ASL language in 1999- now during high school at deaf school I felt lost at first with ASL language cause all my life was speaking English and SEE sign exactly in English . I hope today and future of both language equality justice for kids before arriving into kindergarten education , would love support this group lead K and hope life easier for children near future than what I have experince and went through my childhood life .
This is wonderful!!! I fully support this!! Keep up this new movement!! I can see it coming!!
YES!!! Deaf children MUST get a firm grasp of ASL as soon as possible — and I mean all of the grammatical rules and everything. This will enable them to learn other languages.
My daughter is deaf and has a cochlear implant. She’s at a school for deaf children in Puerto Rico. Their education is called “Total Communication”. The teachers speak while they sign and this has helped my daughter so much. I’m taking sign language classes as well because my daughter is deaf and I think is healthy that family members learn deaf culture and language. She will always be deaf and even dough she has a cochlear implant, I don’t want her to change who she is, I just want her to have the opportunity to learn her mothers language just as her mother is learning hers. I think both languages should be teach for better knowledge!
Hello, I was born deaf n labeled hard of hearing because I wear a hearing aid. I’ve been forced to learn to use my voice. Both of my parents n siblings can hear I married a hearing partner we have 6 beautiful children. My 5th child was born with 1 ear completely deaf and the other with 100% hearing.
i am hard and hearing. i was born to can’t. hear to not understand that my friend kayla deaf in born Arizona. my friend Isabella Underwood. her’s family is deaf. have brother. and sister is deaf to in Tennessee. school for the deaf. me and my friend kayla in Colorado school for the deaf and the blind i am moved. to Arizona. Arizona school for deaf and the blind.that so good
Allie here – I am no ASL linguist and they say I break many ASL rules… I liked the content – the message intented for the ignorant publc… I wonder if the old sign “language” would be better replaced by a sign starting with the letter L but again that would be perceived as SEE so — a dilemma for me as I like signs to be precise… ASL experts, help !
Debby Swann – ASL first means your Deaf grandson will become bilingual (Learn BOTH ASL and ENGLISH and able to be EXPERT in both languages)