Footage of UFC Finale by Spike TV
December 5, 2009
Matt “The Hammer” vs. Jon Bones Jones
Footage of UFC Finale by Spike TV
December 5, 2009
Matt “The Hammer” vs. Jon Bones Jones
Thank you for updated News and I be wonder what happen to Matt win or not. We are looking forward to next Show. Keep up… 😎
Hey, Matt…thanks for the update. My mother,my aunt,three daughters and I are rooting for you to win the next time with a belt like you promised. Don’t give up! We all love you!
thank you info and support hammer and and dont give up and your goal champoin belt and wish july and all deaf watch you ufc bless your faith your goal dream can show you can do it
Way to go Matt!! Thanks for updated. I’m sure you will get to your goal Champion Belt in the future .Keep up and Good Luck !! 🙂
Thank you Matt Hamill info n support hammer please Don’t give up i want you do best keep up n good luck i forword i hope Matt Hamill is won
Hey Matt, you’re doing great! just stay positive and you will reach your goal! Keep up and the fans love you! wink
Hey Matt, Wow, your very LUCKY!! … Please Stay Postive and Dont Give up! i forward to see you at TV. soon.. The fans love you! Good Luck! :o)
Hey Matt, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!! I notice that you are very highly motivational about your goal that you really can do in UFC and you are prove that you did!! You got all of us support and encourage you to win in UFC fighter. PLEASE KEEP YOUR SUCCESSFUL OF YOUR GOAL AT NO MATTER WHAT!!!!! 🙂
Hey Matt I know you can go far! Because I never forgot how you played wrestle at the tryout at IOWA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF IN 1992. I remembered how we first met at the dorm.We ended up talk for pretty long to know us better as wrestler. You did show everybody that you are damn good wrestler and have more future ahead. Now you are the UFC fighter. I am real very proud of you Hammer way ! I always talked a lot about you to my hearing or deaf friends. It is because we know you who you are. I would like to be UFC fighter too. I know UFC isnt easy to work. My wife said NO to me ha ! Keep up Hammer to be in top 10 that you goal for. Yes you can , keep your head up such alike wrestle style .
Matt had never give up with his goal. I am proud of him!
Matt Hamill, you’re our man! Remember I told you to get the Championship Belt at PHO DeafExpo 2009. You said “I’m trying” I hope you’ve remember this event but I know you’ve went to many deafexpo across this nation… oh well ha! GO GET THE CHAMPIONSHIP BELT YOU’VE PROMISE US!!!
cool i am proud of you and good on you challange top fighter to show around world that you can do it and be GOOD FIGHTER !! get this bloody Worl Belt Champion !! for our deafs and yourself as well .. double thumb up!! cheers