Hosted on October 17, 2009 in Washington D.C. by Purple. Live Webcast managed by DeafNation.

Purple Communications hosted the “Dream Bigger” finale on Saturday, October 17 honoring ten deaf leaders, to announce the community’s choice of the 2009 Trailblazer of the Year. The winner, Tate Tullier of Louisiana, will have $10,000 donated to the deaf charity of his choice — Louisiana School for the Deaf. DeafNation broadcasted this event LIVE, with Andy Lange of Purple Communications welcoming viewers to the event. Congratulations to Tate Tullier, deaf photographer!


  • Hello, Jed, Joel, and the rest of the DeafNation crew, thank you very much for this first-class presentation!

  • I am… still in awe. This was a true community effort. I am proud to have contributed. GREAT JOB, PURPLE TEAM!

  • Dear Purple people:
    I want to thank you for showing the video,”Purple’s 2009 Trailblazer of the Year Gala”. Very interesting and want to congratulate for your successful event.
    Robert Katz of Philadelphia, PA

  • Kudos to Purple for the fabulous Gala and to all finalists, too including Kevin Nolan. I agree it is never too late to dream especially being a true trailblazer in politics where it is a real challenege!

    Dr Leahey

  • Thank you for showing this event over the internet, It totally made me felt like I was there. Congrats to Tate!! I truly have faith in him that he will be a long lived successful person in the deaf community! 🙂
    Once again, Great Job Purple!!

  • hello deafnation your web site is wonderful. would like to see some captions for those of us not fluent in asl. it would help interpeting students and hoh family members as well as hearing members who do not know asl. however i applaud you on wonderful job done so far. thank for interesting web site and deaf olympics wow..

  • I don’t understand why Tate won this award. He is a wedding photographer. The other candidates is a lawyer, a doctor, and even a politician. Please explain this. I definitely do not feel that he won this award – nothing against him but I am surprised to see how low the standards are for this award.

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