This special edition of Missy’s View looks at Chuck Baird and his many contributions to De’VIA. She talks about her encounter with Chuck Baird in this touching tribute, “A Note to Chuck Baird.”


  • Hi Missy

    Glad, you mentioned Chuck s performance art during play front of the audience. I wish, I could see it. I always admire in his art especially ” Cat ” since I have four cats. I plan to order his paint on the line.


  • I wish they would do another play like this. I would absolutely LOVE to see something like this! Thanks for posting Missy!

  • i miss to him that he is my teacher art at nyssd i am shock to him as he good art and he is pass away today same m y birthday to today wow he is not any more pain and he will enjoy go to his heave
    from loretto anselma wulforst

  • Hello, I’m deaf from Italy, my passion is Patchwork. I do congratulate you for your site is beautiful, interesting and open.

  • Missie!!!!!!!!! It’s me Juniper…..remmy me???Chuck was my uncle….thank you soooo much for sharing your story. Please email me, so we can connect, I have often thought of you. Many Hugs!!!!

  • I love this ….about “Bad English” equals “Dumb”….
    Everything you explained is true……….

  • Oh Really I sure wish I got to see that! Wonder if there’s a tape or film of the play with an artist painting in the back ground.. Very unusual!

  • I honsetly with you.. You are ONLY one inspring me so much!! You made me smiling nd feeling sooo RELAXING that way your signing.. One thing your VLOG “Bad English equal Dumb… Really it is SOO TRUE… I feel too late for me to learning to become better English wirtier.. Because of my childhood had too much critzets me alot of time.. That advices me to be afrad to write or email to anyone because I do not want they think I am not smart enough… BUT it was from my mental that one person who abused my mental that My english was the worst one and lousy.. It was about a long time ago and still tell me abt it until now.. I HATE TO WRITING OR TYPE MSG becs of that.. That makes me feel low esteem.. My other friend suggested me to watch your view.. I m LIKE oh my god.. I feel like you are ONLY one person understand how I FEEL… My mind is still blocked.. From now on I already love to read any title of your view.. Please keep MORE or wanting to meet you so bad! Im the one who is deperated of lousy English writer.. You made me smile when I hear from you… Keep it up!! You are the best vloger!! 🙂

  • Hi Missy,
    After viewed about Chuck, my tear came out a little. It’s hard to image the way you describe the deep of his painting performance. I surly hope there were filming that night and spread everywhere. Please let me know where I can get to see it. Thanks for sharing this…

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