Get an insight into Missy’s View on the underappreciated notion of accountability in this video. Are Deaf people accountable for recognizing the skills, talents, and serviceability of those asked to perform a task or duty, the deaf enlisting services of other deaf people? It is time to compensate our own people the same as the hearing world would do, and nothing less.


  • You are absolutely true right. Let me tell you two short story. First story, I hired a professional deaf lecture to come to my college to give 2 days workshop and she told me the fee. I got everything as she requested then I picked her up at airport. She was expecting me as hearing person because I did not negotiate her price. I was pondering myself, wow that woman went through to get her life because it was her job to earn to make a living. Second story, I was given workshop at one conference and I charged small, then a person told me that I should have charge more than I was charged. I asked why. She said that one presenter costed that conference $30,000 while I only charged for $600 and I felt so cheap. I could not believe that presenter earned that amount and she was hearing!

  • It’s TRUE!!! You are doing exactly mention abt stopping “accountability” that is very important and honor…

  • Hi Missy,

    Accountability very good VLOG however your videos are all very hard to watch for people who have vision differences. In the Accountability VLOG – you’re wearing a zebra-like print.

    Please – could you wear contrasting (dark color shirts cuz you’re white), with background being also dark and plain? Thanks.. Transcript would be good too for those who are totally blind. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!

  • Hi Missy,
    Great story and view. I have been thinking of trying to find a way to get this type of point out to the country. I had been working for over 29 yrs, 21 of them with 1 company until last August when they laid me off due to many reasons with most of it because of my deafness. In those 21 yrs, my deafness was never a problem when they hired me, when they promoted me twice, never a problem with my 100s of customers. But I never got the same kind of pay rate as a hearing peson does. Yet in the last 2 yrs there, the office and upper managerment tend to look at my deafness as a problem. Even though I had great skills at what I did there and better skills than some of the other hearing workers there, they still treated me like I was weak. Now I am drawing unemployment and I recently filed for disability with Social Security, they denied my claims. they say because I am “able to work” and I am “looking for work”, they cannot pay me disability. Yes I was born with this disability and dealt with it all my life but Social Security doesn’t see it that way. 2 things here, 1) people across the country do not treat the well trained or skilled deaf people equal to the hearing because of the weakness of communications, well in todays life we have better technology for communications and the country SHOULD adjust with it. 2) Being born deaf in the mid to late 60’s is not different than being born deaf today, but it’s true social security thinks it is deifferent. A) Today when a child is born and tested right away for any disability they find it and notify Social Security and the benefits begin immediately. B) Back in the 60’s and early 70’s when children were born they did not learn of disabilities right away sometimes for a couple of years, by then it’s too late for their parents to learn about the real sociual security benefits for that child. This child born in America has grown today to an adult and after so long of adjusting to the hearing world and working and losing a job, they do not get true social security help, this is WRONG!!!! If I was an immegrant, I would probably stand a better chance of getting social security benefits. I really hate this system and I firmly believe you Missy, times need to be changed things need to be EQUAL for all of those deaf and disabled. I am willing to help in anyway I can……

  • I agree with transcript please. To make sure I understood 100% of what you said here. Great topic and I appreciate this VBLOG.

  • Missy-

    I agree with your sentiment. We need to recognize and elevate the existing talent that is in our Deaf community. Thank you for sharing your viewpoint.

  • Amen! Same goes for those who are professionals charging a fee for service..lawyers, psychologists, and doctors..etc!!

  • Yes, let’s charge more if you feel it is fair.

    Those people who charge more do get good clients and is treated better. They shared the mutual feeling of difficult to charge more because they somehow fear that they will be judged or is not confident in live up the price they cost.

    For years and years, deaf people want other deaf people to do work for free. How can we as a ecosystem provide our own economic empowerment.

    Take the lead, Ruby. We will march to your drumbeat ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi Missy, I would love to understand your videos except my ASL is not very good. Would it be possible for you or DeafNation to please caption these and other videos for those who are ASL challenged? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Missy,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I am a deaf graphic designer and photographer. I do work on the side so my rates are pretty reasonable. However, there have been three instances where I was asked if I could do this for free or cheap. Volunteer to do a website, half-off on a photoshoot and 75% discount on a logo design. I put my feet down and said, I charge deaf and hearing the same. I don’t give out special treatments to deaf people. Not fair to the hearing folks. They backed off. Just WOW. At least it is only three instances. Thank you for voicing your displeasure as I share the same sentiment!

  • Missy’s View,
    Yes, I agreed with you about the fact. Glad you brought this up.
    You have a great VLOG.
    Thank you,
    Bruce D

  • That is very true. That is why my husband and I gave up our DJ business because the deaf community asked us many times to either lower our price or give it to them for free. They don’t realized that we are trying to make a living. sigh.

  • I strongly agree with her view about accountability among deaf community as whole. I am considering leave of absence from my unpaid internship for that reason. I have to do boring tasks for past four months. I cannot name that place because it focus on accessibility for people with disabilities. I feel discouraged with this issue. It may be hard for me to find an appropriate job that match my education level and past work experience. One thing that it hurt the most is employment history. Hope that you have any comments. Pls do not research where I work.

  • Thank you, Missy! A few organizations are not happy with me now when I have been kindly asking them to please consider paying me for my many hours involvement in producing a video documentary for them. Their requests are now placed on the last list in my agenda since I receive offers from the hearing organizations with good pay. Well explanation, Missy!

  • You are right about everything!!! Don’t ever ask someone for discount or negotiate !Remember that we should be very proud of any deaf person that has or got skills. Please show respect…

  • I totally agree with you 100000000000 % about Accountability. I have seen that for many years. I am glad you are making the view of deaf people to become better education like hearing world. Awesome speeches.

  • Thank you so much for making this vlog! i ve been want doing this but, at the same time i am afraid what if it hurt my business if i do this vlog untill you did!! deaf community ve been trying to dragging my business down even always call me rip off even tho i offer cheapest price out there!! thank you for make this video! i was so thrilled! thanks!!!

  • Amen. As a deaf graphic designer I see this happen quite frequently.

    While I would love to prefer working with deaf clients like myself I find that they are too cheap. I can not afford to do work for deaf clients. I get more respect from hearing clients.

  • Hello,

    I like your Vlog and this was my first one. I agree about Deaf and Hard of Hearing being responsible for their skills and that it should be equivalent to hearing people. As far as being accountable and helping our community in every way like you are now. I have a new technology that can blaze their trail way out in the hearing world. Reality is this, interpreters are expensive to obtain, organizations, businesses and public venues are resistant to ADA law. So accessibility is limited and there’s a great need of Deaf owned business.

  • Well said, Missy. Thank you for your View. Over my 40+ year professional career cannot tell you how many times D/deaf people have expected me to work for “free” with sometimes seems like a “…But, you are Deaf like us, so you should understand!” kind of mindset. And they we [members of Deaf community in general] say we do not want to be “second-class” citizens?? Another deaf poster here has posted that, while he likes working with deaf people, they are too “cheap”. True this is one person’s opinion, but I do not think that is very flattering to be perceived that way in ANY culture, much less one’s own. Yes, I agree that we need to be more accountable and put our $$ where our mouths/hands are. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Being a volunteer is not an easy job. We have been volunteering for many organizations without earning a penny. It is time for any Deaf organization to pay a Deaf presenter. We love you! Stan and Marie

World Sign Language by Deaf children around the world


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