Have you always thought that if you don’t have good English, you’re dumb? You are NOT! Missy explains how Deaf people are second-language learners of English. Check out this empowering vlog.


  • Missy did a fabulous job on this vlog. PERFECT ! What I have been trying to explain to my collagues at my agency about my ASL is primary language. English is my 2nd language. Take class on the line is not for me due to struggle with English. I prefer to take any training in the class room with instructor / professor with an interpreter. We can break the group to feedback and brainstorm from other students, it will develop my knowledge about the technology system.

    Take the training on the line is not Deaf friendly due to English especially the technology terms are the most different for the Deaf people s concept to connect with the network, computer and internet, etc… There is a lot of oppressing, discriminate cause inequality to my career. There are a lot of communicate barrier and lack of information with update new technology or training.

    According hearing employees reluctantly approach to the Deaf employees because of the communication barrier. Most hearing colleagues have a difficult to connect with ASL – American Sign Language a way unexpected. It has been struggle all those years with my sign language that breaks so many verbal language boundaries.

    I love her vlog ! Perfect perspective to the Deaf Community who struggle with the English in the reality hearing world. I am tired of hearing people look down at us as disparate treatment for many years and years. However, I want to prove myself that I can do it. I could tell them that I will mentor and teach them to learn how to communicating with me in American Sign Language.

    During high school and college year, English is my most favorite subject than others. My English grammar is not great and still struggle to read advance level English due to the vocublary to connect into that grammar. Sign Language with those terms are very helpful.

    My favorite quote, ” We learn new things until We Die “.

    By the way, Missy s baby is so so beautiful and adorable !


  • Hi Missy, u talked about bad english. I agree with you 100 percent. I cant stand deaf people insulted me low. Sometimes i feel hurt and also i feel low self-esteem. i never say to that person. I am keep cooling and ingored them. Deaf People dont understand about english and sad.i am primary spanish and second asl and third english. it s hard english for me. Honest with you I am still struggle to undrestand english. my girlfriend helped me a lot. i still learned!!!! Smile!

  • I agreed with you. But the hearing world too that “second” languages, you know that! Why? Mostly 50 to 75% don’t well with OWN writing with note for our communication…
    Last time I asked for the directions, a guy seem not want to write the directions. I noticed that guy don’t get well on it- INSTEAD speak that lots skills than writing. It’s difference. What a switch way between with deaf and hearing worlds. Is it ironic ?

  • To the audience who watches Missy’s View re English. I praised her because I totally agreed with Missy. I know Deaf people who have an excellent English language tend to look down to Deaf people who have poor or fair English with limited vocabulary. I am glad that Missy brought up about English language. Thank you, Missy.

  • Missy, I love your vlog… I always enjoyed watch you… You taught us a lot. We learned a lot from you.. That’s true… By the way, your daugther is so cute!

  • Hi Missy, I agree with you 100%.I know lots of deaf and I have bad english in writing,too.I get better now learning from the world that I get better english in writing from helps from hearing friends.I used ASL and speak very well.By the way at the end,your baby is so cute. John

  • Missy, excellent job in reminding the important point. Allow me to add that ASL, as a language, is at least as sophisticated and advanced as spoken English, if not more so. No one should be surprised that the former is more “language-true” than the latter is in many ways! Thus, it is correct that having the ability to use spoken English is no more and no less than having the ability to use any language rooted in any modality. Dave

  • I noticed u are right about everything! Not right to insults not nice first respect deaf hard communication not understand still patients against clear communication deaf fair akind not matter aslo deaf people insult dumb and nitwit basic skills me communication , I can do smart but i felt not right depend stop INSULT deaf need learn list be nice help basic and not smart not matter for soft heart plently time know better that a way , future happen no mess up ” DONT DUMB AND STUPID ASLO INSULT ” NO MORE !!!! must be friendly and understand to clear. must good english sign lanuage help ok
    thank much connie merritt

  • Hello Deaf People first then Hearing People second class

    She is right all the Long about between English and ASL difference between two Languages, We deaf people use primary ASL in daily basic Our ESL is English that is okay think of Hearing people use English Primary daily basic and their ASL level were sucks so do they think they are pea brain second class people, No!, They are not ! So therefore are we pea brain in English ? No1, We are not But we deaf people are more smarter than Hearing people ever do, Why because we have two language much wider than hearing people, Image some Deaf People has English Grade twelve or Plus English level and Grade 24 in ASL level that is Huge bigger than Hearing people !! They has only one English language Level !! I don’t think deaf people are pea brain, maybe we shold think hearing people more pea brain and play look down on hearing people like low second class ?

    Funny thing is in Hearing world in English 12 = ASL Zero They do not think pea brain then ASL 24 = Grade 4 or better They deaf people think pea brain ? Wake up !!

    Think little harder look at ASL interprter who they learn ASL Level 1 to 5 passed the test ! They are ASL 5 level do we call them pea brain hearing people as second Class, DUMB groupie ?? Why should think we are Dumb actually we are far better they are !!

    I call it “Magically thinking” Which is that mean is we sucker to English people think they are God or perfect hearing people and workship them !! What about them do they ever think same way to forward to deaf people No, they dont ?? so why Not !!

  • I agree with you…..like my father had no English, but he had some other talents that God gave him. We all should never judge anyone at all. Like some smart people who has good English, but they have no other talents so we can’t judge them at all. Period!

  • Wow I am agree wit you that you real to deaf people that you know I am deaf teacher all teacher hearing most for me that my student is hearing I see you how I am body language our culture in south practice.

    I wonder how have two sister most my half sister older use oral understand language and other my sister use SEE and PSE different sign language.

    My sister love sit baby all hearing 35 children know how sign language way. You wonder full clear your hand pretty that fun…


  • Hi Missy
    wow yur baby is fast growing up!! so cute.
    I am really happy and proud of you, so influence to people about Englsih!! now I felt good because I grew up in ecuador and I used to write or sign language to Spanish, so now I have been learned it. Now I have two as biliguism right!!? smile.
    Thank you

  • I’m agree with u in 100 percent.. Wow ur stories is sooo beautifulllly !!! ((((Perfect))). Goose Bump!!! God bless uuuuu. Big smiles :@))

  • Hi Missy, I agree with you 100 percent !!!! I am student English ESL 2 Grammar I really hard for me but I still still Learning !!! 🙂
    Chris Wagstaff


  • I enjoyed learning from Missy’s view..she is good common sense about deaf ways..
    I thank her help us to understand better.
    Keep up more for posts..
    Your sister is very pro ASL..I agree about sign 2012. I see some of my hearing people sign two thousand twelve.. I disagreed and corrected them to change.
    I will look forward to see you in more vlogs…
    Thank you, Missy

  • Missy- You said it beautifully and thank you for bringing it up so we will not continue criticize others toward their english. I say and think the same! 🙂 We all are unique individuals and english do not measure who we are. 🙂

  • Excellent! All of human persons in the world can learn a language or more as long as they can speak, sign, use braille etc.!

  • As a deaf person and as a teacher for the deaf adults and hearing adults, I agree completely. Keeping in mind that English is an Aural language (based on sounds) while ASL is based on visual language (based on sights).

    I teach deaf adults English as a second language while I teach hearing adults ASL as a second language. I teach them to certain levels based on their needs. For example, if the Deaf wants to have a BS degree, then I expect them to be able to understand English higher than 8th grade level as well as the Hearing who wants to be a professional interpreter. However if they only desire to be gainfully employed as a blue collar worker (just be able to communicate with their boss in writing) or for other reasons such as learning for fun, I adjust to the level to their needs and have lower expectations of them.

    I’m considered bilingual and bicultural, fluent in ASL and in English which helps me to be able to help both of them to understand the big difference between ASL and English and make them feel that they are not “stupid” (even the hearings learning ASL feels that way), just learning that it is another “foreign” language.

    Love your blog, which I could have a copy so I can show it to my both of my Deaf and Hearing students.


  • We will see a different result if we measure the intelligent among deaf people through ASL-based test and we will find them brilliant. Our society runs on English and they set it as a standard. Is it a linguistic discrimination because they look English as a gold standard of performance rather than an individual’s unique ability.

    On other hand, I was told that I will need someone to help me with writing all my life in a sense of being a dependent. There is nothing wrong with getting help. It is a faster way to get better at writing English. However, I am proud that I am independent and will wish an advising on writing due to its context and second set of eyeballs to going over mechanics of writing.

    If I can and then deaf people who wish to write better can commit and success.

  • Thank you I need to see what you just said. And share with us as you made me feel better. Once again thank you

  • Hi, I learned English from French, still doing studying. I agree with you full of percent,,,I knew some hearing people cannot read or right spell the words,, I always helped with deaf to correct spell…Ways to go!

  • I agreed with you. Yes English is challenge for the Deaf community and included I, too.. It is very important to read and writing English. I still learning English as enjoy it so far. It’s fun though. Keep writing and read, do your best. You can do it. Don’t give up!..

  • Missy, I totally agree with you! My speak english are very good but my writing english not great! I don’t know why its oppoiste! ha but I do agree with you! by the way your little girl is soo cute!

  • Hi Missy,

    I want to say ” AWESOME” you changed my perspective, I am myself deaf and native language, Mandrain, English, and ASL. Can you imagine I learned three languages same time. Geeze. Honesty, I not good at English because I have translated into Mandrain to English that i make it hard. Yes, English is my second language. For long time, I always percieve deaf people whose dont have the courtesy in proper English, to them I always thought “low functions” When your vlog came up and you hit me “hard” with the giant 20 pounds of hammer and say, hey!!!! they are not ” idiot” Now, I woke up with long hard red pounding. Thank you. Thank you….. I will keep that in mind and tell them the correct perceptions. smile happy holiday to you.

  • I agree totally Missy View about Bad English = Dumb, I am Guatemalan Born and GSL then I moved to US then I learned a lot ASL and English i did make a lot fun what she said, dont say dumb, I have two language like bilingual thank God teach my brain,,, I love it Missy always good point also thank you Deafnation allow watch her May Lord Bless Missy View

  • Missy, what you was explaining about English. AMEN AND AGREED 100%. I have a Dean who corrected my curriculum proposal. My dean was hearing woman with master degree. She keep changed grammar many times and she did not realized it was her writing until I told her. She was shocked and said what. I was silent laughing to myself and made me wonder did dean changed grammar because depend on hearing to feel fit in grammar.

    I grew up from a beautiful deaf family and English is my second language and I was challenged to learn English in college. That why I won’t criticized my students’ essay because I am not perfect in English. I do criticized in ASL grammar for my students.

    Thank you for put increase self esteem to whoever feel low esteem with English.

  • Howdy Missy, you’re so correctly and have a good consideration about a literacy in Deaf community. I never forgot my lated old friend, who used a strong influence in ASL and typed on TTY with ASL grammar as exactly language. Relay misunderstood and my friend needed my help to translate what she signed in ASL and I typed in English. I was glad to assist Deaf people’s for translation in our Deaf community and in our world. When Deaf children write their own literacy, their languages are very pretty without English grammar, because their language is in a part of poetry. I taught them to write translate into English with their comprehensive. I had studied in ethnic languages and mostly, hearing people have a first language as skill, for example, in Spanish or Native American. For Hispanic people, desire to learn how to learn English as difficulty for sound grammar different from Spanish to English. I learned that English is a hardest in the world, what hearing people said commonly. We wish to establish a free-tuition English classes for Deaf people, who need to learn more more to improve their language better in the future. Also, a duel language is enrich for people, who can do bilingual. Presently, children included Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing, know how to make different two languages from two worlds in one same world. A key is where people can acquire to learn a English language as more normal than doing to learn in English to follow a time of class processed. For you (Deaf people), you are so smart to learn forever as much as your bilingual become a enrich language art. I want to tell you “dumb” in different meaning as silent…not nut or dumb. A word of “dumb” was meant as silent in old Deaf history, but there was misunderstood as dumbing. A dumb is so many means in the dictionary. In my teaching experience, I love to teach you different diversity as you getting new experience. I love your view as beautiful discussion. Good job, Missy! 😀

  • I agree with you about ASL language is our language. English is too hard for me. I m not good at English. I struggled and Hearing people say your English terrible. I say True. I am not good English due to my ASL language is my first language. they thought ASL language is consider same as English. My website that I misused it. :/


  • Bravo! You sign it beautifully! I totally agree with you! Thank you for helping those people understand and relived. ~’o)

  • About the Bad English? I won’t go to the college for learning the better English, no way. That I can’t help it till born that way as my mother’s worse, my impove better than younger from use read the horror books while break time but before with the hearing chatted and no one chat with me so bore, Finish! I remember, age 12 at Jr High School summer field trip, fell in love and share at old age India ship in San Diego,then back class next day teacher gave the test forms to us, I understand that English questions but I can’t answer it and So, draw some pictures on the test form, next day a teacher told me that she love its. Now I am still very smart at anything except the ok for English. I really tire of some people told me and that low class deaf/HOH people there and there and there.

  • Hi! Ur VBlog was wonderful!! Yes, I agreed 100% w/ you. I am working full time at company, many hearing co worker didn’t know how to spell word when we commicate in writing!! Keep up good work!!

  • I totally agree with what you said.. There are hearing people with learning disability that cant read or write english well but speaks english well! Even hearing people with no learning disability do have poor vocabulary spellings.. I do know one thing.. Ever since deaf people started to use video phone. It hurts our continue improving with our english and spellings!.. But I would not trade VP for a TDD!! I just use computer correct my spelling whenever I need corrections….

  • Hi, im a coda and dont get why now deaf calling some Low why is that? no one better than other just everyone get educated further as they desire to.

  • I agree with you all the way, but so many Deaf people will continue calling them idoits. Sad but can you fix stupid or ego Deaf people?

  • like your vlog, hey like your superman shirt, Cool. Right on with ya regarding english and asl. thanks for the comments to help the deaf community.

  • Hello Missy Keast. I wanted you to know that I saw you on a DVD about “Missy’s Bicycle Incident”, “Missy’s Car Accident”, & “Buying c Car – New or Used”. How did I know about you ? As I am the ASL Instructor for the Signing Naturally for the Level 1, 2 & 3. I recalled what you were telling me about your bankrupt of your hearing husband who wanted you deeply. You realized of his respect. I looked at your really long blonde hair and signed a quite fluently. Like walked to the castle in a Level 3 – hoped I was right. Smile.
    Yes, I absolutely agreed with you about an English is my 2nd language too. I still enjoyed learning for English step by step. Yes, you were right about why saying pea brain as too negative for. Just be patience and learn an English time by time. The level of my English is between Grade 10 & 11. An literacy instructor asked me why not I am proud of my level English grammar anyway.
    About 10 years ago, Ella taught us in New Hampshire for the Level 3. I also met Ken Mikos & Cheri Smith who were wonderful professionals, I’ve ever seen them in my life.
    Hope to receive your upcoming message to me, when if you have time.
    All the best for 2013. Thumb Up. John Bisson, Ontario – Canada.

  • Missy, I love the way you explain about that “bad english” I really totally agree with you, yes I notice some deaf people do say that about those to insulted but I look at the person and I did couple time insulted back defend to other deaf people because that person forget himself/herself do have bad english too. Try to turn table around about not insult other deaf people but what about himself/herself sometime do have bad english too not to deaf people but include himself/herself too.

  • I agreed with you. Of course!! You’re right about how people’s veiws are and some of them were insulting us Deaf with their very rude languages which we Deaf cannot accept. Wondering about whereabouts their respect for the others? Continue good job!! Smile….

  • hello nice meet you yes i agree with you that true no one is perfect i see ur messages that is true you are right …….


  • I agree with u, if hearing people think we r dumb, it is their plm being ignorant abt our deaf culture that they should take that deaf culture class. We r not dumb , it is our natural language and we r proud of being deaf cuz we can always communicate with other country as act like mime that we can understand them no matter what, hearing to other country hard time saying their accent voice is harder than us. So therefore we r equal even.. What do u think ?

  • Finally that what I am looking for. Your explanation is exactly what I try to explain to our deaf people about English and ASL. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR HEART TRUTH ABOUT IT.


  • ASL is our second language u are right about deaf equal dumb which is very wrong I grew up at residential school for the deaf I had many roommates who had different levels of English many with difficult understanding it I happened to know how to write, read and sign well not big fancy words I understood what many different deaf people use poor ASL no matter what they sign I often help them when they ask for help I never blame them for not knowing what the word or sign mean thank you for sharing

  • Hi,

    My name is Libby Goldstein and I am deaf. A friend of mine sent me a link to Missy’s View and I thoroughly enjoyed watching your vlogs. I could not agree more re: deaf versus hearing intelligence. I was taught all my life to always ask, ask, ask, ask questions. When I was very young, on a few occasions where I asked questions, hearing persons had the “Come on !!! Don’t you understand english !!!” attitude it scared me. My father was angry and kept insisting that I never be afraid to ask questions and to always keep asking until I completely understand the answer. I also felt all hearing people are so smart and know everything already simply becuz they can hear anything. I worked for IBM until it closed due to major downsizing and while at IBM, I became brave enough to ask, ask, ask and ask questions . I have been that way ever since.

    I admire your opinion re: the above and thank you.

  • I am hard of hearing, or deaf how every you want to called me, I was insulted by how I type, my grammars is the worse english they ever seen. Yes I was in school, I attended deaf school Bow Lake, learn SEE sign langugaes, so they think I am stupid, my grammars suck, is the worse english they ever see, so I get insulted on YOUTUBE for my typing skills, because my typing is so bad to them.

  • Thank for this.
    Sometime make me hide angry thru young age
    of speech school hard understand mean is words.
    Moved diff school ASL for five year. Is worth quick picking easy catch understand words is

  • Hello Missy, My name is Enrique from Guam. I am deaf. and I teacher high school my student is hearing with my body languae, I agree with you use ASL so I am learning lots A to Z and use my english langauge use my own Deaf Culture in Guam. I believe myself learning hering from some use SEE plus other different courty understand use body language plus my view…

  • Hello Missy. I really enjoyed your asl clearly. Yes, I agree with you. I noticed you always love shall people. The Lord bless your family. Steven

  • I’m a CODA parents grandparents great grandparents and sister are deaf. I live in Washington state I moved here from calif 3years ago. It’s beautiful here. I am an interpreter for deaf for over 35 years ASL my first language. I LO VE ASL better than talking it is more emotive language.
    I just wanted to let u know that think you are beautiful person. Keep up the good work! Take care
    Ms. Jennie

  • Why not you stop deaf high functional people to call me and other deaf people dumb for our bad English? and also my bosses always refuse to get interpreter and threat to force me to write english to them at works. Why cant ADA and NAD sue my bosses to call me dumb for my bad Englsih writing?

  • Thank you so much for sharing your expression. I totally agree with you. We cannot do anything but you tried your best…..thank you

  • Great vlog! I agree with you. Not everyone in the deaf community knows English very well and everyone learns English differently. Some may have a difficult time while others may be good at English. I’m profoundly deaf and growing up, I attended hearing school (mainstream). My mom was very demanding of me understanding English so she would make sure I sign SEE at home; she wouldn’t care if I used ASL at school. She would often correct my English on my written papers. I was a little sick of her doing that sometimes but after I got older, I realized how important it was and was thankful of her doing this. I think, because of my Mom, I was not afraid to learn and understand English as it is my second language.

  • I’m sorry. English for a deaf person is not a second language. We all have the responsibility to learn it. Having a good grammar skills is very crucial for success in the world. You are just lying to yourself if it’s not the case.

  • I am happy that you raise this point. When we look at anyone who is using a second, third or… language, it is not fair to expect that that person will automatically be as fluent as they are in their first language. When the languages are dynamically different, such as Sign versus English, well, that just compounds things. I was raised speaking English, so I have the situation in reverse. It is my Sign grammar that suffers, and I realize that I do not sign as well as one who learned ASL first. I am working on that, but it is not fair to insult me for not having developed the skills. I once worked with a student who was from Russia. He was learning English as a second language, and having a hard time. Other students called him stupid until they learned that in his native country he received top honors grades and was a doctor of medicine. Hardly stupid. No one considered that not only was this gentleman learning a new language and its grammar, he also needed to learn a new alphabet! It would be a nicer world if we helped each other communicate instead of worrying so much about who communicates best.

  • Big problem is Human Resource office in various small to big company look down deaf people for English issues. What do you think?

  • hey rachel.. i am full deaf, but i can hear some with hearing aid…. i feel very same thing with your with grammers skills.. my write english is very horror but i am good with sign asl.. but i just cant spelling words or write correct . those people from youtube or w/e treat me bad and bully.. but i ingore them.. but i still i am proud what i am no matter what my horror grammer or write skills!

    but dont worry about em!, just be proud begin a deaf! <3

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