Are you a defender of the Deaf? Missy explains why we need defenders and warriors badly. You might not realize how oppressed we are! We are going to be fighting this battle until we die. Watch to understand why.
Missy's View
Are you a defender of the Deaf? Missy explains why we need defenders and warriors badly. You might not realize how oppressed we are! We are going to be fighting this battle until we die. Watch to understand why.
Why not we make a movie about deaf’s life ? So they will understand what we need !
Thank you Missy! Please include captions and/or transcript of your Warrior vlog because i want to share with hearing parents of Deaf students at PDSD. Thanks and hugs!
I work nights , but on my break I teach ASL 2 Collage Students, it’s full Fills my life, I love signing I’m hard of hearing, I sign, n Church every Sunday, but their no that is deaf at this time, I just want 2 b ready. 2 do God work where and when needed.
Missy Keast, I understand what you mean. Martin Luther King did struggle for blacks. The blacks including the NCAAP started becoming his warriors. Everyone of us in the deaf community should be a warrior even though we do not know who our deaf leader similiar to Martin Luther King is. We should not give up. In fact, the government does not know what to do with deaf people. So they send us home with SSI checks and shut up. How sad!
I want to share two famous quotes that I saw and always keep these quotes in my head and heart. First quote: “As a Deaf Person, I have a Full Time Job!” and Second Quote: “United We Stand, Divided We Fall!” These two quotes are very important part of my IDENTITY as a DEAF PERSON and I teach ASL courses to undergraduate students at York University. I agree with you that today is a very SERIOUS CRISIS in the DEAF EDUCATION and DEAF COMMUNITY versus AUDIST COMMUNITY! We will always be WARRIORS and FIGHT for our RIGHTS in ASL-ENGLISH BILINGUAL EDUCATION EVERYWHERE!
Dare cool girl I use live bowie arizona but no more in arizona because of no good medicaid policy so I live in mississippi why my e mail address word it is barstow that is barstow’ calif where I lived in many years before moved to arizona because all town of barstow people are not smile on deaf yes I love. Arizona but one thing of medicaid policy problem I learn face to mississippi. Old history and old ghost hello to you. Ha oops I am full deaf and colorado. School for the deaf. And. The blind. Graduated 76 nice. To meet dare. Cool woman. God bless
I agree with you. We need a Deaf leader in our community to continue fighting for the better system. In the past, we had the great leaders but they were considered “unheard of heroes” but now in this present time, we do have the greatest Deaf leaders yet they need to be recognized the whole time. Keep fighting, deaf people! Be humble but proud warriors!!
Hi! Joe Schneider, …I attended National ADA (American with Disability Act of 1990) Symposium ( and I have learned that why is current ADA law is so weak and loophole because it does NOT have a language that companies, hospital, government, et cetera to obey the ADA! …It means we, deaf and hard of hearing Americans and Internationals, have to work together to continue fighting by contact our lawmakers and then plan to have a big march to protest in Washington, D.C. during 25th anniversary ADA on July 26, 2015! …Joe, …But we can find a way to enforce them to obey the ADA by use Civil Rights Act of 1963/64 on Title 2 and Title 3 and we, deaf and hard of hearing Americans, should thank to late Reverend Martin Luther Martin, who is blend of African, European and Native-American/Originally Inhabitant Indigenous, for fight for our minority (African/Multiracial-Americans, Asian-Americans, Disability-Americans, Hispanic/Latino-Americans, Native-Americans/Originally Inhabitant Indigenous and Women, too! …Missy Keast, …I really love watching your “Missy’s View” and I can’t wait to watch new issue on “Missy’s View! 😕 😡 :- 😐
Joe Schneider wrote it October 14, 2013 at 5:52 pm Reply
Missy Keast, I understand what you mean. Martin Luther King did struggle for blacks. The blacks including the NCAAP started becoming his warriors. Everyone of us in the deaf community should be a warrior even though we do not know who our deaf leader similiar to Martin Luther King is. We should not give up. In fact, the government does not know what to do with deaf people. So they send us home with SSI checks and shut up. How sad!
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