A stop in Bali isn’t complete without a visit to the Bali Deaf School. Joel takes a tour of the local
Deaf School, taking you on a visit on campus, inside the classrooms, and interacting with the
students in Bali Sign Language! Take a look at the types of classes they offer as they prepare their
students for careers beyond the classroom, and see what is similar and different from your own
typical Deaf school experience on this fun and entertaining visit to school!
Thanks to ZVRS for making our Around The World 3 trip possible with their sponsorship.

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  • Hi, I am deaf teen aged 17. I rode to school by having a city hired a cab driver to drop me off the school. Yet, I does not know how to drive because of I worried that I will die in car crash. There are even deaf village in Bali named Desa Kolok. The deafness among village is 1 in 40. It’s more than twice autism rate in the world. I am shocked that kids young as 8 ride in mopeds because of their parents work from early morning to late in night. I am shocked that kids are independent.

  • This is a great video. I love the power of technology. Deaf professionals and enthusiasts connect with folks from all over the world. This is great. Thanks for sharing.

    T. Marks

  • I am a Interpreter for the Deaf in America. I enjoyed watching this video. It helps me to learn more signs and it also helps me to better understand the Deaf culture around the world. Thanks!

  • Joel this is excellent. I have been studying ASL for five years now. I was born in Indonesia and plan to visit there next month. I am interested to visit a Deaf school if possible. Thank you for your video!

World Sign Language by Deaf children around the world


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