Join Joel as he tours Vienna at breakneck speed! Helped by a deaf guide, Joel endeavors to drink in all the sights of this awesome city in only 48 hours. From the top of the towers to petting cats in a Japanese tea house, Joel uncovers the Vienna that you haven’t seen before!

Vienna Tourism Information


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  • Great video! I was there and loved it! Eating cape gooseberries and tasting a sweet, tart flavour which is a cross between a ripe gooseberry, strawberry, green grape and pineapple. 🙂

  • Joel,
    Th is where my whole family comes from for 100 years since Nazi control Wien(Vienna)We have to leave because we were Jews and Yes they have famous pastry,food, beer wonderful culture beautiful mountain.
    Joel made this possible with your video expertly great
    I’m applaud you

  • Video of Vienna is great. I learned a lot through Joel Barish! I am glad that Deafnation is there for us!

  • Wish you had chance film of two great chocolate cake had been famous known as “7 years of War between two pastry chef. Who battle who has rights of copyrights…. It about who had orgingal idea of chocolate …. In Vinnea during 1700’s and famous for Marzpain (almond paste) well known in Vienna and Germany. the Almond is not the orgingal grow in Old World until discovery New World bring unquie nuts upon rich or
    Royal family who can afford expensive eatable …. One day I would love vis that world famous for pastries born in Vienna before French !

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