Somewhere in Zagreb, Croatia, Joel goes into an office studio of a talented artist. There are definitely no barriers for the artist, Sanja! This woman lost her hearing and sight over time, but still excels at her profession of being an artist. We also get a chance to see how her talented interpreters work with her. It truly is amazing! Watch and be inspired! If she can do this, you can do anything you put your heart to! (captioned)
Thanks to Sponsors:
Association of private renters “Hvare moj”
hi good you nice deaf world surdo brazil
thanks for the sharing it was impressed by her
Unbelievable! It touched my heart. She’s truly amazing talents I’ve ever seen. Maybe One day, She could learn Croatian Sign Language. Who knows! I feel like She’s an inspires me today. I’m glad I’m watching this. Big Thanks!
She is so amazing !!
Hi, I’m doing a study on your deaf blind artist from Crotia. Would it be possible to have a picture of this person and some facts. Also a couple of photos of their art work. I work at the Kelston Deaf Education Centre in Auckland NZ.
This is my sign language homework. I am very interested about this person.
Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you soon.