In downtown Budapest, we visit the store where Deaf fashion designer Gergely Szabó sells his hand made clothes. Joel gets a personal fashion show by model Adrienn Léh, and interviews Gergely about the life of a fashion designer. Take a look at his unique style, and find out how you can buy his clothes!

Check the website of the Hungarian Tourism


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  • Could you please close caption videos in the future! I volunteer for the Deaf Cultural Center in Olathe, KS and our hearing followers, guests would love to learn more about Deaf Culture from around the world, but there is no close captioning.
    Thank you

  • Bem vindo visitar site e
    Eu gostei muito informação Hungria e outro.
    Antônio Abreu

    Welcome to visit site and
    I really like Hungary and other information.
    Antonio Abreu

  • I’m impressed with their fashion world. However, please remind them to remove chewing gum while interviewing. Thank you. Well done for their success!

  • You are great ! You dont just inspire us ..You serve as an example to those who gave up and dig their own grave out of negative approach with their failure. Im an avid fashion lover too.. Keep it up !

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