In this first video of Joel’s Netherlands series, we join Joel and his gang of traveling buddies as they head into the beautiful canals in old Amsterdam! After this, we head to a real windmill to meet the friendly mill-keeper and help him with his duties! Joel climbs up onto the mill and has the opportunity to experience this authentic piece of Dutch history for himself! Get Dutched with Joel in this fun video! (captioned)

More Information about Amsterdam


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  • It is really fascinated how the windmill function.

    I would love to visit to Netherlands someday. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Wow this is a best one Video ever I seen. Thumb up! I always love Holland’s cookies! Mmmmm!

  • Brilliant idea of put gopro camera on windmill and see what 360 degrees looks like when it turn around!

  • Fascinating!! My hubby and I went to Amsterdam once and unfortunately we didn’t visit the windmills in Holland. Now we know what they are like…thank you, Joel, for exploring this for us and the rest of Deaf world! ๐Ÿ™‚

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