Join the action with Deaf Chef Josh at the First Food & Bar restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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  • I love it I will go one day meet him and make DEAF Food for me. Hey Joel how did you stay thin because you travel so much, and ate so much and still thin?

  • i think i recommended that you should try get in chef ramsy show of hell kitchen that would give u more challenge to show u can do it…

  • JOSH! Congrats! So when are you gonna make that dish for me?! You’re a hot shot now! 😉

  • I was 5 Star chef at Marriott and Sodexho food service for
    13 years and now working at France (Ragoots) restaurant as pantry
    chef. Its a lifetime building career for anyone making up foods
    recipes. Chef Josh did a good job working with foods and knows how
    to make people come back to eat there. That’s how making their
    business grow. The more seasons, spices, homemade sauces will
    always make people happy. Keep it up Chef Josh..

  • Josh!! Great to see you being a chef and successfu!! Wonderful! Thanks to Deaf Nation for showcasing such hard working individuals like Deaf chef Josh! Tell the chef I said HELLO from Hyde Park NY!!

  • This guy graduated from CIA, Culinary Institute of America. CIA is a school with an equivalent to the Harvard University.

  • I have always loved cooking n being creative with it.any meal that’s just boring n ordinary,I like to cook creatively that make me happy n full. Pasta,paini (italian toasted sandwich),seafood is my passion. Now being deaf n seeing a deaf chef, inspire me to want to take a step up to my dream to be a chef. Thanks chef Josh! Keep up the good work!

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