Joel gets up bright and early at 5am to visit a deaf family owned Dairy Farm in Oregon. Meet the husband and wife due of Tony and Sandra Brown Loos and learn what the challenging daily life of running a Dairy Farm is like.

Travel Oregon:​
Cannery Pier Hotel:
Inn at Cape Kiwanda:​inn
Hotel deLuxe:


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  • hello i deaf farmer work the farmer.melk 75-80 HF Crows.i live in Germany.Your melkstand is old,we too.

  • Watching this Deaf own dairy farm video is so beautiful to see. These two lovely couple who are so happy with life living on the dairy farm. I admire their happiest and their hard work to success. And drinking the organic milk tastes delious and does the body good!!

    Ps The lovely couple even names their cows.

  • SO HAPPY that Joel came to Oregon to focus on an incredibly hard working and sweet couple! It was great fun to see the dairy farm. I really enjoyed watching this! Thanks so much Joel for a great interview with the Loos!


  • yes me too i grow up on farm also
    tht mine ex owned farm ad best world …
    best breeding cows ad regentiontal cows …
    award cows ad award breeding ad top all state
    only me …..

  • Great video, its tough to do such hard work in the morning.I also would like to know where did she buy her sweatshirt, I really like it.

  • Really the deaf owner dairy farm is very interest to watch.Am deaf butcher in nigeria and will one day like to visiting the farm couple,because have the same goals.thanks

  • Very impressive!!! I always wanted to be a farmer. Now you did very well!!! I may go back to farm again. Smile!

  • awesome! The deaf couple run their dairy farm. I grew up on the dairy farm. Now I own a 10 acre farm with Belgian horses. I mow, ted, rake and bale hay by myself. Load bales in the barn. I usually make about 2000 bales of hay. I use tractor, not horses. I am deaf.

  • HellO ! tony / sandra, I was worked at cows and bull and pig, hog. bales box carry to
    up “elevator” in farm. now no more. I missed of farm. I still work factory. and
    work at my warehouse. this “deaf Invention / engineer”. Very risk.
    I still homemake a “cat liter Elevator”. Did I payed to patent. I have to waiting and see. patent will tell to me. about passed or failed ? I hope so, I say PASSSED ! OR ?
    If I got failed. then I have Invention total: 64 th. and thank you ! ; )
    Deaf Invention / Engineer,

  • Love that! I really enjoyed watching it! I am gonna show it to people that Deaf can do anything with NO EXCEPTION! Thank you Joel for sharing it with us!

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