Despite the ADA amendment, many Deaf people are still facing struggles in every day life in employment, education, and communication access. Now the lid has blown off and Deaf people are making noise, protesting to the government for better jobs, better education, and better communication access. Change is happening. (captioned)
Oh boy that’s an awesome! Keeping it up and I want to include y’all for RIGHT!!! How’s the CDL??? Do you know it mean?
thank you for sharing this video news for Deaf Protest for Equal Rights. we did enjoyed to watch this full video now. we are pride of deaf rights. we hope the deaf movement will be marching next year again. we still support to upgrade for the deaf rights movement. we are appreciated to deafnation news, thank you.
Tous monde sourds,je suis content fier pour les sourds,Je regarde video d’ suis support important besoin enfants,employes et etc pour les sourds. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO
//Rocky (deaf)
Leader from Las Vegas, NV
Oh , well I won’t blame on whole deaf people’ s feeling no funny. They have right voice. Government must understand how deaf people ‘ s feeling. Sure to support for 100 percent !
We are deaf and I am part cerebral palsy with braced shoes and use my walker and we have 2 grown up sons who really understand us what we talk with A.S.L.
Wow it is VERY inspired !!! Precious Deaf World !
I am very inspired to see the video display the the Deaf Protest held in Washington DC because I experienced oppression myself in government and general. I realized that I cant do that alone but I am glad to see Deaf people are joined as shown support team to do something to change for future Deaf young generations. I cares my own people.
please don’t give up and keeping fight until win! Thank you for sharing the video! keep words spread!!
Robley is from New Orleans, Louisiana, is a deaf, senior and diabled was very proud that
the deaf group did good job to make protest for the deaf more freedom like job, education and interpreters support the deaf’s right and next protest I will fly to join with the deaf group again. PLEASE HELP Find for DEAF peoples. Tell me How can I make donate
,omey to support the deaf funds let us know what address in the mail thank you, Rob
Hello Joel and Jed, I explained my member- USA FreedomWorks and US patroit about your Deaf Protest and Equal Rights in Wash. DC last Saturday!. Thanks.
Awesome Protest! I’m curious, what’s happening next after Deaf people protest?
Hi Joel and Jed, I explained to my member- USA freedomWorks and US Patroit in Wash. DC. Last Sat., on Sept 12, 2015.
I am hoping there will be protest in Minnesota in Metro area. I had been applying 28 jobs for part-time restaurant work. No one hired me, nor anyone called me. I called them. They ignored me. Now a lot of Deaf people works at Deaf group homes because there are Deaf employees there.
Gerard from Boston, I am deep sorry for deaf people who can not find a job. this situation does not fair. You must tell your senator and congress to better change the American Disability acts. I wish you very luck, From Boston, Gerard Sevigny
My name is Gerard, I am deep sorry for deaf people who can not find a job. This situation does not fair. You must tell your senator and congress to better change the American Disability Acts. I wish you very good luck, from Boston, Gerard Sevigny