The Red Carpet event hosted by ABC Family for both the fall season and the Hyperion book release, with the Switched at Birth cast.


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  • Hello Joel
    I watch video about red carpet switched at birth. I am curious who is writer or director? are they deaf?? I look information Switched at Birth and no picture name Lizzy Weiss.

    Martha from South Florida

  • WoW ! I am glad you had the opportunity to speak with all these actors and actresses to express the show Switched at Birth ! I am glad they finally brought up the deaf culture into this show and what it is like to grow up in a deaf/hearing world !! It gives all of us to be excited to watch ASL in the Switched at Birth shows and hope there will more of these in the future as well ! It is about time they put deaf actors/actresses into the hollywood scene !! The last one was Marlee Martin in the Godness movie ! And I haven t heard from her in years and was only getting small parts of tv shows and very brief episodes which is awful !

  • Hi there,
    I love Switched At Birth show!!! :O

    By the way, I’m hard of hearing and I’m wearing cochlear implant on the right ear.
    I was born deaf. 😀

  • Wow amazing to watching this video and meet people and famous. I wonder Switched At Birth will send dvd or cinema in New Zealand? I would love to see it. Brillant Job Joel!!!

  • I don’t know that show:switched at birth, but I got the interview on my computer, and I really love the way the deaf man was asking his question, and the woman interpreter was very good.
    Now I may decide to watch more TV…just kidding.
    But the interviews were great.
    David Barban

  • marlee matlin is my first favourite deaf actress in the world
    i have marlee matlin autobiography called ill scream later
    i read marlee matlin book all day and before i go to bed

World Sign Language by Deaf children around the world


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