Steve Ropp, Deaf Tattoo Artist shares his unique experience in “ink” industry. Joel visits his shop nearby Boston, MA and witness his professional.


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  • Come on just DEAFNATION on right side forearm JUST ONE wink! I have two tattoo on my body

  • Did you see my tattoo on my back at World Deaf Expo Deaf Nation in Las Vegas? I had my name tattooed on my back in ASL handshape. I believe Deaf Nation did film my back out in the hallway in the hotel right out of the expo. Let me know thanks. S-A-N-D-R-A

  • LOVE THE VDEO!! Steve ropp’s AWESOME!!! WE all Boston deaf community are very proud of him! <3

  • super tattoo deaf can work that issue of artist. why not find other deaf tattoo if they send you, I hope who live in pinellas county in fla? let me know

  • Come on You shall get yourself tattoo say “DN” or “Deaf Nation” like “OCC” guy!

  • Curious… How many Deaf Tattoo Artists in USA? One in Mass. that you show on video and I know one person do that, name is William (Billy) Plant from Dublin, Pa. He is very good Tattoo Artist. Very young guy. Just curious how many Deaf Tattoo Artists in USA… Thanks!

  • I want to say I saw Steve yesterday, I got a new tattoo! First of all I’m in awe of this experience, communicating with an artist WITHOUT barriers. He did SEE what I wanted. The best experience ever.

    He is truly passionate in his work as a deaf tattooist. I’m absolutely excited to work with him again in near future (who can have just one tattoo?? haha).

  • Y’all, I was very impressed to see another deaf tattoo artist video. it pleased me since I’ve became a deaf tattooist in Jacksonville, Florida.

    I have more informations about other deaf tattooists, its about over 5 people.

    so please, Joel, put the show on us as if you’re looking for some entertainment, maybe crazy 🙂

  • also, Steve Ropp, you have done very awesome job. I’m very impressed with your artwork what and who you tattooed with.

    I hope one day I will meet you and get another inked from you. I’m a tattoo freak!

  • When I first saw you sat on the chair and thought you were getting tattoos. Oh darn! you didn’t get it, just sat there to pretend it.. LOL… I have one on my left top chest, that’s nothing.. Very old since 1982, haha

  • I would like to meet him one day. I love tattoo… i already got 8. I want to save my other arm for the whole arm of tattoo. I would like to have koshi with water and flower. its great to know a deaf deaf artist…

  • HI Joe
    It was great interesing ! He experted drawning TATTOO!! I had one tatoo at rigth arm,so Id drawed by my self it has between half “sun and moon”. I went and showed to teller of tattoo and they made me tattoo it from mine draw. only thats all smile

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