That is very cool and high wow, more curious for more new adventures, will you? Yes, of course I love both hero act and comedy! Finish with the Crab thero, maybe one more to go, right? Thank you, John
Dang, I want to see second part! Great job! One day, I would like to have him at my house and long chat w him!
Great job! I thought that first one and last 2 episodes showcased the classic SuperDeafy!
Good job ya all! Looking forward to many more funny episodes/movies. Thank you SuperDeafy and all participants for the good laughs you have given us!
You all ROCK!!
Superdeafy- Wow, you are a very FANTASTIC JOB! You guys ROCK! Keep it up work hard! π
Hi, thanks for showing all the episodes and I really enjoyed each of them. I look forward to more new episodes!! You really did an outstanding job!
To be contiune…. (Oh Man!!) Anywys, I really enjoyed watch all of them… What a more, I show my students and they did enjoyed to watch different episodes.
You all ROCK!!
Thank you show this all of episodes, it was excellent performance. I really enjoy it each of them. Way to go ,John.
That is funny watch movie and show. Don’t give up and continue in the future!
I really love it this last part episode. Its amazing wow fabulous job! Please continue… John, I will see you in summer mwah
I love this video! I’m really looking forward to watch more webisodes π
You are so good! I want you to continue with superdeafy action. I love your action and very funny person!
The world needs more SuperDeafy. Must defeat Evil Audist of Regions (EAR)! Please continue with more adventures.
John Maucere as SuperDeafy makes the front pages headlines with DeafNation News reporter Lauren chasing SuperDeafy. What a splash and we all look forward to continued episodes of SuperDeafy.
SuperDeafy brings laughter and gives us a legitimate Superhero, the world’s only DEAF Superhero.
A personal note to SuperDeafy:
I left some cookies for you. Enjoy them, and the cookies are usable for weight-lifting. Just stick a straw with one cookie on each end.
Weight of Cookie Barbells: UNKNOWN
HELP!!! Deafies is in trouble now!!! Save us and bring more epidoses!!! That That That That spell HELP!
goooodiie goodie job make more of that again!!
Hey .. U surely are cracking me up big time ! Love it !!
keep it up what u’ve been doin n’ all that ! Am gonna look forward to the new episodes n’ enjoy ourselves again w/ ur awesome shows! π
Have seen Superdeafy at the DeafNation In Mpls !
Soo hilarious & unigue !
Now the film ! WOW
Cant wait for the other part!
Way to go John Maucere !
Its wonderful show!!! Its my first time to see u that!!!
very good and funny actors… smile
HarrHarrr SuperDeafyHeros..
My Kids are also Coda and they really loved it and definitely understood in every sparks preformance so That s very good sign for Deafies being have SuperDeafyHeros other than Hulk or Spiderman!!:)
this is so hilarious i laughed my ass off!
hehehehe! you’re sooooo funny! i really, really enjoy watching you. you’re a champ! hahahahaha!!!!
I am a CODA. I really enjoyed that.. Bravo! Goodjob…
A well-spoken fact. Don’t let anyone stop you, SuperDeafy!
i am love your movie AND PLS MORE AND MORE MORE MORE there parts!!!!!!! i love you
i am your #1 fan
i LOVE all
I really love your movies and I hope that you can make more parts!!! π I laughed sooo hard and i really enjoyed it!!
This is the first time I’ve ever encountered a series targeted for the deaf and in complete sign, and I truly enjoyed it!
I suggest producing a national television series for the mass public to enjoy, even if they are not fluent in Sign Language. I suspect hearing people would enjoy this show as much as I did, and pick up signs from it, or at least be encouraged to attend ASL classes!!
EXCELLENT corny sense of humor, bravo!
I love John’s comic show and I want my deaf grandson watch this at his Jackson Hospital in Miami , Fla
Please make more episodes. It is my only way to see you since you are very busy saving the world.
I can see that superdeafy is little bit funnier than mr.bean!!!! I did meet john maucere and he signs the paper and my dad ordered the t-shirt and i love him!!!! see ya
That is very cool and high wow, more curious for more new adventures, will you? Yes, of course I love both hero act and comedy! Finish with the Crab thero, maybe one more to go, right? Thank you, John
Dang, I want to see second part! Great job! One day, I would like to have him at my house and long chat w him!
Great job! I thought that first one and last 2 episodes showcased the classic SuperDeafy!
Good job ya all! Looking forward to many more funny episodes/movies. Thank you SuperDeafy and all participants for the good laughs you have given us!
You all ROCK!!
Superdeafy- Wow, you are a very FANTASTIC JOB! You guys ROCK! Keep it up work hard! π
Hi, thanks for showing all the episodes and I really enjoyed each of them. I look forward to more new episodes!! You really did an outstanding job!
To be contiune…. (Oh Man!!) Anywys, I really enjoyed watch all of them… What a more, I show my students and they did enjoyed to watch different episodes.
You all ROCK!!
Thank you show this all of episodes, it was excellent performance. I really enjoy it each of them. Way to go ,John.
That is funny watch movie and show. Don’t give up and continue in the future!
I really love it this last part episode. Its amazing wow fabulous job! Please continue… John, I will see you in summer mwah
I love this video! I’m really looking forward to watch more webisodes π
You are so good! I want you to continue with superdeafy action. I love your action and very funny person!
The world needs more SuperDeafy. Must defeat Evil Audist of Regions (EAR)! Please continue with more adventures.
John Maucere as SuperDeafy makes the front pages headlines with DeafNation News reporter Lauren chasing SuperDeafy. What a splash and we all look forward to continued episodes of SuperDeafy.
SuperDeafy brings laughter and gives us a legitimate Superhero, the world’s only DEAF Superhero.
A personal note to SuperDeafy:
I left some cookies for you. Enjoy them, and the cookies are usable for weight-lifting. Just stick a straw with one cookie on each end.
Weight of Cookie Barbells: UNKNOWN
HELP!!! Deafies is in trouble now!!! Save us and bring more epidoses!!! That That That That spell HELP!
goooodiie goodie job make more of that again!!
Hey .. U surely are cracking me up big time ! Love it !!
keep it up what u’ve been doin n’ all that ! Am gonna look forward to the new episodes n’ enjoy ourselves again w/ ur awesome shows! π
Have seen Superdeafy at the DeafNation In Mpls !
Soo hilarious & unigue !
Now the film ! WOW
Cant wait for the other part!
Way to go John Maucere !
Its wonderful show!!! Its my first time to see u that!!!
very good and funny actors… smile
HarrHarrr SuperDeafyHeros..
My Kids are also Coda and they really loved it and definitely understood in every sparks preformance so That s very good sign for Deafies being have SuperDeafyHeros other than Hulk or Spiderman!!:)
this is so hilarious i laughed my ass off!
hehehehe! you’re sooooo funny! i really, really enjoy watching you. you’re a champ! hahahahaha!!!!
I am a CODA. I really enjoyed that.. Bravo! Goodjob…
A well-spoken fact. Don’t let anyone stop you, SuperDeafy!
i am love your movie AND PLS MORE AND MORE MORE MORE there parts!!!!!!! i love you
i am your #1 fan
i LOVE all
I really love your movies and I hope that you can make more parts!!! π I laughed sooo hard and i really enjoyed it!!
This is the first time I’ve ever encountered a series targeted for the deaf and in complete sign, and I truly enjoyed it!
I suggest producing a national television series for the mass public to enjoy, even if they are not fluent in Sign Language. I suspect hearing people would enjoy this show as much as I did, and pick up signs from it, or at least be encouraged to attend ASL classes!!
EXCELLENT corny sense of humor, bravo!
I love John’s comic show and I want my deaf grandson watch this at his Jackson Hospital in Miami , Fla
Please make more episodes. It is my only way to see you since you are very busy saving the world.
I can see that superdeafy is little bit funnier than mr.bean!!!! I did meet john maucere and he signs the paper and my dad ordered the t-shirt and i love him!!!! see ya
I love his action and face expressions smile
who is superdeafy jr.?????
LOL!!! can u make more??? i love it
yourr shows are amazing <3
I had no idea Norman could be SO FUNNY!