Episode #5 of the Deaf comedy webseries SuperDeafy.


  • Thanks for Lenois from DVTV .. so funny make me laughed so so good movie LOL!!!! happy valentine !!

  • Hi… Hard so laugh!! Good one! I can’t wait to meet you in Greenboro, NC!! I will be there on 20th of Feb stay there in Hampton Inn Hotel til 22th of Feb. You better be there!!!

  • LMAO! It is good to see people in ASL. No need to have opened captions on it! 🙂 I would like to see more of superdeafy films weekly! And I want to thank Viable to support this project because it is important part to me and Deaf community. We want to enjoy ASL humor. For John and all in people, you did a fantastic job. Keep up with this.

  • This is adorable. I loved it! This is the way I know deafie. Please continue to do this Superdeafy. Thank you for bring such wonderful, wonderful entertainment to us all. God Bless!

  • Very excellent video, love it and keep up with your good work to make everyone enjoying every show.

  • I always love to watch Superdeafy show and he is real so funny! I am exciting to watch him at TSD this Friday also DeafNation Expo this sat.

  • I wish I am superdeafy woman! Make match Superdeafy man and superdeafy woman.. how about that ? hire me ?

  • cool! I am 10 years old. My school name is new york school for the deaf also from fanwood too. I hope u visit my school. I want to meet you! My name is julissa and come to my school now!!!

  • cool! I am 16 years old. My school name is MICHIGAN SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF . I hope u visit my school. I want to meet you! My name is Nayasia and come to my school now!!! that wAS SO AMAZING!!!!

  • yeah! i like it.so that great for you are good funny ASL good for you. i love your funny and actess and i want more watch for new funny ASL. Why don’t!

  • It’s very funny actess superdeafy wonderful. That same like as three strooge. I love it so much. I am Dave Hagstrom from Minnesota (Fan Vikings) ha !

  • I am feeling a happy. I am live in Bangalore from India. Because idea best superdeafy for support go go go go people deafness!!

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