This is the corniest comedy video related to golfing and this one kindly should surpass Comedian/actor Bill Murray’s reputation as a zany and goofy golfer. Any golf enthusiast would love this revelant video, deaf or hearing!
I recommend buying a mouth guard so the golf ball falling from the sky won’t ruin your most beautiful smile.
Yet we wonder about SuperDeafy’s whited out costume and even his whitening teeth!
Or was it a huge golf ball imprint stamped for a big white out party?
Is that Superdeafy’s father acting from ASL Films? I wish I could save that girl instead of superdeafy! HEHE!
Finally about time seeing Bragg playing God. He seemed to resemble Sean Berdy or who was that guy, that did the SuperDeafy weather report? Was that the Bragg pick-up of that SuperDeafy version?
Bragg is a pro! and…Maucere is a genius, spreading that SuperDeafy goofy ASL style..even Bragg caught the bug!
What next? Soon those sad, already-lost S.E.E. signers will pick up the SuperDeafy ASL and join Bragg with the SuperDeafy fever.
I like the ending when the golf ball fell from sky into man’s mouth. It made me laugh. 🙂 Make more videos to hurt people’s stomaches!
I like this video! keep up superDeafy video! I wonder Superdeafy will meet Superman?? that would be cool! hah!
i love it! so like to so glad in can’t stop in laugh! hehehe!
That’s cool! and nice the video!
I love it but i cant wait for the next video this Thursday.
What a great episode and funny!
hahahaha nice golf form dude!!!
This good cinema, for a raising of mood of deaf children, when crisis around.
By the way, had honour to meet this comedian at the Expo exhibition in Salt Lake City. Where there there were deaf tourists from St.-Petersburg, Russia
More! More! More! Because I love it!
I can’t stop laughing! I enjoyed the show! 🙂
funny video cuz, maybe I don’t need to go golfing with u LOL
cool video
good actor superdeafy champ
This is the corniest comedy video related to golfing and this one kindly should surpass Comedian/actor Bill Murray’s reputation as a zany and goofy golfer. Any golf enthusiast would love this revelant video, deaf or hearing!
I recommend buying a mouth guard so the golf ball falling from the sky won’t ruin your most beautiful smile.
Yet we wonder about SuperDeafy’s whited out costume and even his whitening teeth!
Or was it a huge golf ball imprint stamped for a big white out party?
Is that Superdeafy’s father acting from ASL Films? I wish I could save that girl instead of superdeafy! HEHE!
Finally about time seeing Bragg playing God. He seemed to resemble Sean Berdy or who was that guy, that did the SuperDeafy weather report? Was that the Bragg pick-up of that SuperDeafy version?
Bragg is a pro! and…Maucere is a genius, spreading that SuperDeafy goofy ASL style..even Bragg caught the bug!
What next? Soon those sad, already-lost S.E.E. signers will pick up the SuperDeafy ASL and join Bragg with the SuperDeafy fever.
I like the ending when the golf ball fell from sky into man’s mouth. It made me laugh. 🙂 Make more videos to hurt people’s stomaches!
I like this video! keep up superDeafy video! I wonder Superdeafy will meet Superman?? that would be cool! hah!
i love it! so like to so glad in can’t stop in laugh! hehehe!
That’s cool! and nice the video!
I love it but i cant wait for the next video this Thursday.
What a great episode and funny!
hahahaha nice golf form dude!!!
This good cinema, for a raising of mood of deaf children, when crisis around.
By the way, had honour to meet this comedian at the Expo exhibition in Salt Lake City. Where there there were deaf tourists from St.-Petersburg, Russia
More! More! More! Because I love it!
I can’t stop laughing! I enjoyed the show! 🙂
funny video cuz, maybe I don’t need to go golfing with u LOL
i think this is cool video
this is a cool video
Cool and Hilarious Video
ha ha ha that is sooo funny with show