What is Chongqing cuisine like? Who cooks some of the delicious foods? Where are the pandas? Where did tea start its fame? Who makes the beautiful Chinese dresses? How are they made, sewn by a machine? What is the history behind Terracotta Army? We learn with Joel as he takes us through the heart of China, Chengdu, and the neighboring cities of Chongqing and Xi’an!
Your thoughtfulness & consideration are so great, sir. There is only one thing to asl (say) about No Barriers with Joel, “CLASS”.
Thanks for the memories. You are a true ASLegend, sir.
Yours truly,
Samuel Edward Dorsey
where can I buy a copy of deaf paiting anf tea ptt hat Joel shows us and where, how much?
Wooow wooow
Live in China
The like it see looking (^_^)
I really like this type of show format. This show format gave a coherent entertaining and informative presentation.