Where in the world are we now with Joel Barish? In a state of Malaysia… Sarawak! We have the opportunity to join Joel at the adventures of the unseen once again! Starting this travel, we head into a village of the Iban tribe and stay over at their longhouses. This village has no electricity… but this isn’t unusual to the locals! We tag along as guests and learn of the way of life among the village. Per usual, tag along with Joel! (captioned)

More information about Sarawak Tourism


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  • Very interest and I felt that people who live there no get sick. That is normal sleep on floor, sit on the floor while eat, work on the floor and dance on the floor! I saw one boy showed his silly and he is cute boy! Thank you for your show experience

  • Very interest and that normal people sleep on the floor, sit on the floor while eat work on the floor and dance the floor. Little boy show his silly and he is cute little boy. Thank you for your show experience!

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