Tour Southern Thailand and discover the beautiful scenery. Joel rides a longtail boat in Phuket and visits the unique tunnels and rock formations in Maenam Krabi and sees the world famous James Bond Island. Meet the deaf worker at waterfront village Ko Payni, and go kayaking in Ao Tha Lane. Joel discovers many deaf street vendors in Ao Nang and learns how they make a living and create the products they sell. Visit the deaf woman who owns her own store that sells oil made from palm trees. Top off your visit with some delicious deaf made street food in Krabi Town and go for a swim in the ocean. All this and more in beautiful Southern Thailand!
Special Thanks to Tourism Authority of Thailand
Wow! I didn’t even know the world famous James Bond made movies in a beautiful island of Karst Mountains. I love how you rode on a longtail boat that’s very attractive. Deaf people who own business that is very impressive and they love selling things for the tourists to enjoy around shopping. I’d like to go there someday. 🙂
I did not realize the film made 007 host in Island Karst. That is awesome, the Deaf people have courageous to gesture communication with hearing people. Thaliand Deaf people show the hearing world that they can do equal with hearing people. I am so impressed with them.
Wow… One of my favorite movie James Bond! I don’t know that from Island Karst!! I would LOVE go there someday soon!! THANKS for sharing!! Thaliand Deaf people are AWESOME job!!! When I visit there I would love meet them!! Joel you are AWESOME job!! DeafNation is CHAMP!!! THANKS MANY! 🙂
I love DeafNation in the World of Southern Thailand. Very interesting…. I like that and I do understand you and DeafNation World sign languages to closeer same or different signs. I like more to read your story….
Beautiful scenery and adventures. Enjoyed to view u to meet deaf business owners . Thanks for the stories.