Joel kicks off his Around The World trip by going above the Arctic Circle to Kiruna, Sweden among
the northern lights, dog sleds, and the world famous ICEHOTEL. Join Joel as he stays in one of the
most unique hotels in the world, a hotel built almost 100% out of solid ice!
Thanks to ZVRS for making our Around The World 3 trip possible with their sponsorship, and
thanks Arcteryx for keeping us warm with their winter gear! (captioned)
wow nice you Kiruna, Sweden: The ICEHOTEL
Sweet!! Cant wait for the next one!!
I have some question. How do they keep the ice like arch, chair and wall around the year? Will the summer time significantly melt on the ice ? Is the temperature remains 20 degree around the year ?
Do they provide fireplace and cook the food on the stove inside the Icehotel?
It is so amazed !
They used the molding for different shapes. you can check for more details. They only open few months during the winter season. They do have great restaurants.
WOW. That’s so amazing for your experience adventures. The mushers (dog sledding) will be start this first week of March. It’s calling Iditarod. My family can’t wait to watch Iditarod very soon. Also, I have been seen “Northern Lights” for winter only. I love it.
Hello Joel, I wonder if the icehotel have bathroom or shower or bath? how long you stay there for one night? or else? I want to know about it?
They have warm accommodation. I stayed both of them one night each. Please visit their website
Wow! I love the ice of DN. Beautiful Ice Hotel! I bet you really enjoyed your stay there. Good experience for you! =)
Wow! that is amagzing to see a real ICE HOTEL.. I can’t sleep while it is freezing 20 degrees heh. Interesting..
wow Underbart att du är nu i sverige?? Nu är du i norra sverige 🙂 men i Örebro där jag bor finns massor döva som bor här.. Här finns döva skola och gymnasiet skola.. Örebro är våra största döv stad om du har hört talas om?? Härligt att kolla på dig på webb igen 🙂
Kram karola /sweden
have a nice day in sweden – Om du är i sverige nu`
Wonderful that you are now in Sweden? Now you’re in Northern Sweden 🙂 but in Örebro, where I live there are plenty who are deaf who live here .. Here are deaf school and high school education .. Örebro is our largest deaf town if you’ve heard about? Great to watch you on the web again 🙂
Amazing story carved out of ice! My dream is to taste a drink of grape juice out of an ice cup in an ice bar! Not only that, after years of seeing DeafNation banners at expos, golf tourneys, and in countless pictures, I finally get to see “DN” sculptured on ice! AND something I never dreamed of, an ice CHURCH, all sculptured in ice, the congregational seats, the altar, the pew, all in an ice-sculptured sanctuary!!!!!
Thanks DeafNation and your sponsors for showing us something we all never imagined!!!
Never again will I limit myself to imagination…
Hi Joel. I really really enjoyed your experience at Icehotel. Really fantastic. Wow I must admit, this is the best of your tours so far, ha….
Hi Joel, I ask question about IceHotel have electric wire or cable tv or outlet plug?
Yes they do have warm accommodation next to ICEHOTEL. The cabin has all of them. you can try warm and ice accommodation at one location.
Hey Joel. Do you know if america have icehotel too? Maybe in Minnesota, you think?
There is no ICEHOTEL in USA. one small town in Alaska is doing the similar design as ICEHOTEL.
Nagyon jó tartalmas filmet mutattál nekünk. Köszönjük, Joel!
Very good film showed meaningful to us. Thank you, Joel!
Nice 🙂 All must visit Ice Hotel one time in life 😉 All the best, Mikael Sundberg
Hi, I´m from Sweden, yeah I know Kiruna have beautiful IceHotel from northern Sweden. But swedish many deaf people work at Volvo car fabric in Sweden only.
Hello, what’s about bathroom or shower? Cool you had fun of sweden, wow. I like to see your travel trip video.
That cool! This is something different. My wife and I went to the Minus5 Ice Bar at the Mandalay Bay,Las Vegas after DeafNation World Expo 2012.That was awesome!