Check out Joel Barish as he discusses where he plans to visit for his Around-The-World trip.
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Check out Joel Barish as he discusses where he plans to visit for his Around-The-World trip.
Whoa! What a trip! Not even I can deal with it!
Hi Joel,
I am from Singapore. I enjoyed watching Deafnation TV.
Good expose us. I will watch yr trip in 8-22 Jan 2010.
Good trip
WOW! What a fun trip! Travel SAFE!
Amazing tour!! Have a safe flight around the world and bringing home with collection of the deaf tidbits! See u around! Cheers! 🙂
You of all…
I don’t envy you…I salute you for sharing this with all of us instead of keep it to yourself. Also, I do look forward hearin from you during those period.
Wish you the best of luck
Just Me
Hey Joel,
why didn’t you go to South Mexico? There’s a lot of deaf people lives there in Mexico D.f or Guadalajara State of city?
I will visit more countries in the future. Stay tuned! smile
Wow! Have a lot of countries. I’ll watching a Deafnation site on Jan. 8-22, 2010. I can’t wait for watch it. I am from Philippine. Why didn’t go to Philippine? There’s so many of Deaf people in Philippine.
Bring us more amazing ASL stories from your experience all over the world! 🙂
Traveling 35,000 miles around the world in just two weeks representing DeafNation for people who are deaf and hard of hearing can be accomplished only by someone who is truly dedicated to the cause. I wish you a safe and productive trip that is certain to boost world-wide awareness of the “can do” abilities of people who are deaf. That’s a very large and admirable task for DeafNation – THANKS, Joel!
Joe — that is a first for the world–“Around the world in 14 Days”. Be sure to get up from a seat every hour to allow blood circulation and avoid clots!! Have a fantastic and safe trip!!