Visiting the well-known deaf artist, Chuck Baird’s studio in Austin, Texas. Chuck Baird’s artwork for sale on


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  • Thank you for interviewing Chuck Baird. I have always been his fan since I saw him as an actor with Deafwest’s production, Orphans. Now I have even more respect for this man after watching his interview. Thanks.

  • Chuck, You are a Godsend! Art has been my life and it is a wonderful feeling to appreciate the gift of art. Thank you for letting me see your awesome artwork! Ann

  • He really is an inspirational man. I really have nothing but respect for him and he always always will put students first… He really makes them feel good about themselves. Being Deaf is not an obstacle. Being ignorant is.

  • Thank you for interviewing Chuck Baird as we’ve crossed paths over the years at NTID/RIT as well as in DeSales’ Deaf Arts Festival at Brooklyn, MI, where we got to chat a bit more with fellow artists/friends from college/beyond, like Susan Dupor, Steven Peterson, others and myself as well, as an artist vendor selling unique jewelry, ~elle’s expressions, handmade. I will say Chuck does inspire me to embrace art with what I ‘see/feel’ as well as seeing how he inspires everyone else, artists or non-artists alike. We all view art differently and we are all artists of our own sense of our lives. How we choose to portray it and live it, is up to us. How we choose to pursue it or just live vicariously through others who inspire us. Georgia O’Keefe inspires my art the same way Chuck inspires all of us to appreciate and embrace ART as it is and Deaf Culture. Hats off to you, Chuck..Thank you!! Beautiful works, indeed. I love your most recent works, too. Very inspiring…

  • WOW, amazing artist thru out his life!!!! His painting pictures are wonderful, fantastic and I love it! If I could purchase his picture its will inspires me to hang up his artist on my wall and of course to supports our deaf community. His picutres are so unique ,fantastic and alot of patience to make those awesome arts!!!!!!! I had never heard and seen any deaf artist before! I am glad to watch his video, share his arts! Blessed your heart Chuck!!!!

  • Wow and amazing of Chuck’s beautiful art painting making sense to show the meaning of deaf language in art painting. I admire to watch video of his interview of how he received blessing gift in art painting since 8 years old. Thank you for bring up the interview.

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