The only Veterinary Clinic that uses sign language in the Washington State area to communicate with the Deaf is Four Paws! They have a Deaf employee on the staff who dreams of becoming a Vet. Joel also gets to interview the Vets well! This is just another show reminding you all that Deaf people can do anything they dream of!

Four Paws Veterinary Center


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  • I am also deaf vet technician at Anderson Animal Hospital in Hartsville, SC for a year and half… and still… I am profoundly deaf but is very good at lipreading and taught the co workers signs on vet words etc… Feel free to interview me otherwise… thanks

  • Joel Barish ! God blessing that he was wonderful tours. I enjoyed that you are good example to people to learn.

  • I look show video..I really big surprise deaf people can animales vet clint.Who deaf people can work wow..Yes deaf people can do anything..Yes right must go college first know everything before get master or cerif or licn show proof true…I want see more deaf people anthing show up keep active keep running up future try same prepare hearing people do that same thing..Very very great deaf people want become dream true i believe it..Thanks your sharing show video

  • Happy to see Sam making her dreams come true! As her former teacher, of course I am proud of her! Thank you for including her in your interviews, Joel.

  • Cool beans! We have deaf lady working as vet assistance at Petsmart store in Dallas. Also, we have deaf lady working for animal shelter at City of Arlington for many years. I believe there’s more out there…

  • First I must say I am not deaf but have met some new friends of mine who are. I have seen how difficult it can be because people do not give them a chance. I am a firm believer that given the chance people can do just about anything. This just proves it. In February the animal shelter I volunteer for is putting on a event and I have been working very hard to bring the deaf to this event. I now want this more then ever now. Good luck to the lady in the video.

  • Way to go Sam! You can do it and you will become a Veterinary Technician one day!!! I’m a certified dental assistant in Maryland and also deaf. We, deaf, can do it! Good luck in your future!

  • I want to learn vet tech school but here in floridia wont let me to go to.. I really so fed with VR… Can you suggest me?

  • I am deaf. I am delighted to they support to DeafNation. Thank you for you can support to make new idea many videos. I feel like have a great of them. I believe that the deaf always improve yet. May God bless you. :).

  • Hi, my name is Ashley and I am profoundly Deaf vet tech at Overland Animal Hospital in Denver, CO for 2.5 years. I would love to reach out for more deaf vet tech so I can ask several questions regarding being a deaf vet tech, challenges, etc! (I’d love to have more deaf vet tech over here!!)

  • Hi, I’m Meagan Meyer. Profoundly deaf as well! I’m a student right now in the Veterinary Technology Program in Austin TX, to become a LVT. I would love to connect with you if you have any questions. You can find me on FB and shoot me a message. (:

World Sign Language by Deaf children around the world


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