Sports fans, when in Ohio, you must check out this store! We’re in Southern Park Mall visiting a sports merchandising store, Touchdown Gifts. We get to meet the owner, Stephanie and she gives us a tour of the store. This store is the only place in the United States that has black jerseys signed by LeBron James! Check out the one-of-a-kind items in this cool store! If you’re a football fanatic, getting the lowdown on this store is a touchdown! (captioned)
Visit their store here
Cool! wonder how much cost for a baby shirt? tiny sport shirt looks cute!
Wow!!! I am truly impressed with her “can do” Attitude and own sports store! I Salute you Stephanie!
Congrats!!! I am a die-hard NFL!
Can you will gave me what kind of Website? deaf own business ? would like order online ???
Love it one day stop by see store!!!!going to Youngtown soon !!!!!!!!!
i like the show and i wonder do they have website???
i would like to order wirless keyboard
I congratulation to Stephanie owner of Touchdown Gifts – sports merchandise – wishing her luck to expand business – I do hope one of her franchises is in LA, California soon. Thanks for the video.